Dakshin Kamrup Girls’ College Library has been offering BEST READER AWARD from the session 2002-2003,  to a student who devoted maximum time in the library, reading and utilizing the library resources and services in the most effective manner. However, certain factors like, library attendance record discipline and punctuality inside the library, Librarian’s personal observation about the awardee  etc. are brought into consideration while selecting for the award. The awardee may be of any class, but needs to be a bonafide student. However, if a suitable candidate is not found, the award will be forfeit for the session. The award carries a certificate and a token of gift containing books. This award is conferred on closing ceremony of the College Week every year. From the session 2021 -2022 the award of Best Reader has been changed to Best User award.

1. Best User Award-2021-2022

Name: Namita Hazarika- B.A 3rd Sem . 

Class Roll No – 24


2. Best User Ward 2022-2023

Name: Lina Das, B.A 4th sem.

Class Roll no.- 06